Data recovery services experienced data loss in any recording environment Logiturk by technology in any case, a high success rate with many companies, individuals and institutions that provides access to data. The inside of the opening of the disk is required in situations where absolutely dust-free class 100 (class 100) cleanroom, the use is mandatory. Otherwise, dust in the environment invisible to the human eye consists of thousands of bad sectors on the disk barinara significantly within a couple of minutes and the data is damaged.
The structure of the newly established IP Office of your cabling and infrastructure services and the establishment of haritalandirili, except for new standards or existing network reorganization in the system The selection of appropriate technologies to the services we provide.Services in line with the needs of your organization after-sales support we are completing.
Hızla gelişmekte bizimde içinde bulunduğumuz ve ana iş kolumuz olan IT sektörünün avantajlarını nasıl kullanacağınız konusunda sizlere profesyonel danışmanlık hizmetleri sunuyoruz.Network ve sistem güvenliği, firmanızın iş süreçlerini dijital ortamdan takip edebileceğiniz yazılımların yönetimi konularında bilişim danışmanlığı hizmeti veriyoruz.